Winter is Not the Season to Forget About Pest Control

It’s finally getting colder. It’s finally looking like the hot Sacramento summer we experienced has come to an end. Though it felt that way earlier, we were still getting 85+ degree days well into Fall. But now, with nights reaching near freezing temperatures, it seems safe to say that we’re in the clear from the oppressive heat and, often, the pests that come with it.

Still, while we say this every winter – and we’re saying it again now – while it’s true that pest numbers tend to decrease in the winter, now is not the time to forget about your pest control. That is because while the main deluge of pests may be over, there are many problems unique to winter that can begin right now if you’re not careful.

Invasions Already Taking Place

First, it’s important to note that you may already have an invasion and not know it. Some pests can live for days, weeks, or even months without being noticed, and these pest invasions do not clear up on their own. If you have unexplained allergies, for example, that could be a sign that you’ve been dealing with a cockroach invasion and just haven’t yet seen the roaches. If you hear noises, you may have rats or mice that haven’t yet been caught.

So while it’s easy to feel like the invasions have stopped, the truth is that they may already have happened. Not all pest invasions are spotted right away, but given how fast pests breed, they can get bad quickly.

Invasions Still Being Stopped

While it’s true that pest activity decreases in winter, it doesn’t stop. Some pests actually use winter as their time to move indoors, trying to flee the cold weather. There may be fewer pests, which allows the pest control treatments that we do offer to work better (plus, the colder weather means the pesticides can sometimes be more effective, provided it doesn’t rain too much), but they’re still doing their job.

Other Pest Problems

Typically, pest control companies like Adapt Pest can also spot problems you may not. We are on the lookout for signs of pests that may not be as apparent, but represent a larger issue, such as holes that may attract rodents or property damage that may indicate some type of insect. There are many things that we do at our visits to help protect your property from pests, and we can only spot them if we are able to complete our visit.

Winter pest control is still very important, and if you don’t have a company you can trust – or you want to find a lower cost pest control company to handle your property – then turn to Adapt Pest Management today. We are based in the Roseville and Rocklin area and serve most of the Greater Sacramento region.

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