We went out for a normal pest control job the other day. Any time we’re out for our bimonthly treatment, we always examine around the building and see if there are any signs of pests. It’s a good thing we did, because while we were out there, we found an entire extended family of cockroaches in a part of your home that you likely never suspect:

These are the sewer lids found in a lot of driveways in residential properties up in Rocklin. We didn’t have an opportunity to take “before” pictures, mostly because we happened to be with the customer at the time and treated it immediately once we saw the roaches together, but it was gnarly. Tons of cockroaches crawling along the sewers.
The good news is that the cockroaches did not find their way inside – or, if they did, they may have crawled over our barriers and then died before they were noticed. But any time there is an infestation, anywhere, the odds of them entering your property increase. Make sure you pay attention to hiding spots like these, because even if the pests aren’t in your property right now, the more there are the more likely they will be in the future.